Ebony Stitchers Presents “The Phantom Threads” - A Quilters’ Depiction of Issues Impacting Our Lives

September 3 - October 9, 2022

This year Ebony Stitchers Quilt Exhibition is presenting a unique exhibition of quilts depicting socially relevant issues that are hiding in plain sight.  The purpose of this exhibition is to display work of artists who dare to participate in an exhibition that address the issues of changing social times – in social justice, politics, economics, healthcare, etc. Our Quilt and Fiber Art Exhibition may include quilts, wall hangings, dolls, wearable art, beadwork and other forms of fiber art.

Meet The Artist

Masks are highly recommended at all ART Station events. Proof of vaccinations are no longer required upon entry.

Box Office Hours: 11a-5p Tues-Fri 1p-5p Sat | 5384 Manor Drive Stone Mountain, GA 30086 | ARTStation.org | 770-469-1105